Telephone Calls
- International code for Germany 00 49
- Area code for Cottbus 03 55
- For most public telephones you need a calling card which you can buy at the post offices.
Please note:
Emergency calls (Police, Fire service, Emergency physician) are free at
all public telephone boxes.
- Cottbus-Information is in the Stadthalle, Berliner Platz, Tel. (0049) 355 / 75 42 400
Public Transportation in Cottbus
- Trams and buses run the city area.
- Tickets are available at several stops, kiosks, CottbusInformation office or alternatively from the bus driver or tram driver.
Public Holidays in Germany/Land Brandenburg
- New Year (January 1)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday and Easter Monday
- May 1
- Ascension Day
- Whit Sunday and Whit Monday
- German Unification Day (October 3)
- Reformation Day (in Land Brandenburg) (October 31)
- 1. Christmas Day and Boxing Day (December 25 and 26)